Benefits Overview

How do my dental benefits work?

Whether you purchased a dental plan on your own or have a plan through your employer (known as a group plan), your Employers Dental Services (EDS) benefits generally work the same way.

Getting started

Your dental care starts with the general dentist you selected when you enrolled in the plan. Before any treatment begins, you’ll discuss your concerns and questions, and work together to create a plan for achieving or maintaining good dental health.

Be sure to ask your dentist which procedures they perform—not all dentists perform all procedures. For example, some dentists don’t perform extractions, or use amalgam (silver-colored) fillings. If your dentist determines that you need to see a specialist (like an orthodontist or oral surgeon), you won’t need a referral.

Cost of services

Once a treatment plan is established, your dental office will explain the costs you’ll be responsible for. If you need to see a specialist, our network of dental specialists offer EDS members up to 25% off their normal office fees. Payment for any care or procedure is due at the time you receive these services.

Note: You may be charged a fee for missed appointments as outlined in the Enrollment & Coverage Guide. Be sure to call your dental office at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment.

Emergency care

Sometimes, emergencies happen. Fortunately, your EDS plan covers the temporary relief of pain, bleeding, and acute infection.

The maximum allowable reimbursement for a dental emergency is $200, minus any member costs you would normally be charged for treatment. If you have a dental emergency:

  • Contact your general dentist first. If you’re unable to reach your dentist, you may seek care immediately from any licensed dentist.
  • Submit a copy of your paid, itemized receipt in English within 90 days, so you can receive reimbursement. Mail it to:

    Employers Dental Services
    9445 Farnham Street, Suite 100
    San Diego, CA  92123

  • Follow-up with your general dentist for additional care or treatment.

Not sure which plan you have? We can help. Give us a call at 800-722-9772 or email

Need a dentist?

Search by location, name, availability, or specialty.

Get discounts on vision care

As an EDS plan member, you have access to discounts on vision care.

What type of plan do I have?

You have either an individual plan, or a group plan. Here’s how to tell the difference:

  • Individual plan: You bought a plan on your own.
  • Group plan: You signed up for a plan offered by your employer.

Contact EDS


Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–3 p.m.
(Arizona time)

  • Tucson: 520-696-4343
  • Phoenix: 800-722-9772
  • Arizona statewide: 800-722-9772


Customer service:


Employers Dental Services
9445 Farnham Street, Suite 100
San Diego, CA  92123

Employers Dental Services, Inc., is a member of the Principal Financial Group®.

This is an advertisement for a pre-paid dental plan. Dental Plan offered by Employers Dental Services, Tucson, AZ 85718. This plan is licensed by the AZ Dept of Insurance as a pre-paid dental plan. Members enroll in the plan for a monthly fee. Members select a dentist from a list of contracted dentists who have agreed to charge the “Member Cost” fee for services. A member pays the “Member Cost” at the time of service. Additional terms and conditions may apply. For cost and coverage details, refer to your EDS Enrollment and Coverage Guide. Available only in Arizona.
